Board Minutes: July 8, 2024
January 13, 2025Board Minutes: September 9, 2024
January 13, 2025Agenda
- Call to Order at 7:11pm
- Roll Call: Matt Stares (MS), Mike Carnevale (MC), Amy Townsend (AT), Emiko Bigler (EB), Julia Ratchford (JR), Jody Conant (JC), Karen Ruedinger (KR)-call in, Liz Gohel (LG).
- Standing Reports:
- President’s and Head Coach Report (MS):
- Approval of last month’s minutes: all in favor.
- Would like to set next year’s regatta schedule sooner to better organize by the start of the season
- Numbers: 66 registered so far
- How do we communicate the season and expectations to parents-
- Possibly have parent meeting prior to try-out week- especially for novice parents
- Captains and Vice Captain description of duties sent out to kids
- Recruitment: When/how should we target incoming rowers for better visibility of the program
- Options: HS kids going to the middle school for recruitment
- Spring: EB: Sunday open house?
- KR: Does crew team have involvement during the cardboard regatta? Can we establish more involvement there?
- Boats and Dollies:
- Spending approval for dollies- all approved
- Boosters- waiting for approval of $29K for boat purchase
- We cannot wait for certain total fleet financial funding to be in place before we need to purchase boats. Ideally 2-8 person boats (1 male boat, 1 female boat)
- We can fund $40K (possible more fundraising) for boat
- Would really like to commit to the purchase of these boats to arrive by HOCR
- LG: how can we do this in a shortened time with also needing the Erg-a-thon to be successful
- $7K (from Boosters) for repairs of dock- have not received yet
- Coaches have not been fully paid yet by the school for 23/24 season
- Travel Expenses:
- We never used to pay for the person’s lodging for trailer truck- do we stop offering based on cost. JC, EB, AT: feels this is above volunteer duties and should still be covered. Not proposing changes at this time
- LG: Can we find a corporate sponsor for the food tent?
- Parent meeting tomorrow night: slides done, will add board to presentation, specify speakers
- Vice President’s Report (MC):
- Attended Club Sports meeting: Learned the Boosters pay for uniforms for different programs on a rotating basis. We will check when Crew team can benefit
- Overnight trips approved by AD
- Fees:
- The school is open to payment if student is not able to pay club fees
- We need to close our fiscal year- MS: it was submitted last month
- Boosters give away 65K to all the clubs total, however there is an additional 70K in surplus
- LG and MC: met for fundraising and have the beginning of a committee (see LG report)
- We can provide alternatives to fundraising and volunteering/stay engaged throughout the year
- Treasurer’s Report (DR) (report communicated as follows):
- Bank account statements provided
- Reconciliation report for the Operating accounts (there was no activity during the month for the Capital account and Boathouse account, so there is no reconciliation report available).
- July 2024 Financials: there was very little activity for the month, but DR is available if any questions arise
- Recording Secretary’s Report (JR):
- No updates
- JR to take over food tent
- Communication Report (EB):
- Sent an email to the novice parents this morning with their tryout time change, parent meeting, registration and who to contact info
- Still need bios and headshots from Jeff Olsen & John Mogor for the website
- Would appreciate suggestions for website
- Volunteer Report (JC):
- Boat house cleaned and prepped for the season with new cordless vacuum
- New shelves ordered and delivered. Matt to hang them.
- Gas cans filled/ confirmed boats are filled for tryouts. Steve Baker will be filling gas cans for the season. He has been instructed on the process-Can we get him a key?
- Uni’s are $85: All in favor to withhold uni’s until fee is paid
- JC will hold uni’s until David reports they have been paid
- Uni’s should arrive early September
- Novice shirts selected and ready for ordering when we have confirmed the number needed. Turn around time less than 2 weeks.
- Will reach out to Anna Alvarez re: crew closet at the parent meeting
- Events (KR):
- Date for banquet in the fall- Monday Oct 28th
- Would prefer the budget be used more for the spring banquet
- Activity since the July Board Meeting:
- Discussed the fall and spring events calendar with Emiko
- Developed a SignUpGenius for the fall potluck after nailing down the date/time with board input…Emiko will send this out after the parent meeting on 8/13
- Developed a budget allocation for the fall and spring banquets based on what David has allocated in the 24-25 budget
- Reached out to everyone who indicated a desire to volunteer with “event support” from registration and sent an overview of events for the year along with a form for them to indicate their interest in specific events
- Reached out to LG to discuss how events can assist fundraising with the erg-a-thon
- Upcoming activity:
- Confirm signups/coverage for the potluck and ensure the potluck is successful
- Identify volunteers for fall team dinners and discuss with Matt how best to utilize their help working with the captains and coaches; ideally get a schedule of team dinners for fall to pass along to volunteers
- Identify volunteers for the fall banquet, determine a lead person for the event and provide a budget for the team to allow them to get started with planning at their convenience
- Begin documenting each event with a written summary so that we have continuity going forward
- Talk with LG about coordinating the Erg-a-thon
- Other actions:
- Created a Google calendar for the master calendar and shared with the board – let me know if you see any changes that are needed
- Fundraising (LG)
- A solid strategy is being developed for additional fundraising opportunities being mindful to not put a damper on the Erg-a-thon
- MC: We can work on what we have done on the past and build on it
- Establishing a fundraising committee
- Sent an email to do a food/drink/bakesale during the triathlon
- Bake Sale at triathlon
- Can we use venmo and make donations? Or possible use our strip with credit card
- Will contact Roseann on Boosters for fundraising approval
- Learn to erg clinics: Nov 2nd or 9th. Earlier right after the season ends more favorable. Goal to raise 5K through awareness and selling merchandise
- Learn to erg clinics: corporate team building events
- This is also a way to find corporate sponsorship
- Spring Erg-a thon- more marketing, sponsoring, make it longer
- Not set on date yet
- Digital platforms for fundraising- give students tools to hit a bigger target. Would like to hit 30-40K
- Travel (AT)
- Heron Henley/Arctic Challenge room blocks secured
- All fall travel information and links shared with parents, aside from Boston
- Transport lodging was added for Friday night requirement per regatta rules. But it is also a duty above and beyond.
- MS to communicate to coaches who will have overnight stays and who will not.
- AT to assign rooms to Brian/Anne/Kris. Jeff and Doug on transport side according to spreadsheet and MS direction
- All driver and coach rooms booked, aside from Boston
- Spreadsheet compiled with all proposed lodging costs
- The Kulh’s, Wurl’s, Baker’s, and a new novice family have offered to pull boats. MS: Jeff Olson will pull boats. MS would like to vet anyone before pulling boats as its a full and complicated process
- Next Board Meeting: September 9th , 7pm Community Center
- Fall parent meeting Aug 13, 2024, parent meet and greet right after Little Auditorium
- Try-Out Celebration Potluck: Aug 19, 2024 5 p.m.
- Meeting adjournment at 8:40 pm