2024 Erg-a-thon
Mark your calendars: the EGR Crew Erg-a-thon is back! Thank you for being here to learn more about how you can support our coaches and rowers. The Erg-a-thon will be held at the Boathouse in John Collins Park on March 16th from 9am - 12pm.
Since we built the new boathouse in 2022, our team has doubled in size and with that, comes more wear and tear on our equipment and the need for repair and maintenance. This year we need to replace the coaching launches that have reached the end of their life cycle. These are the boats that the coaches ride in alongside the rowers to coach us in the moment and are very important to our safety when on the water.
We are holding an Erg-A-Thon to help raise funds towards the purchase of two new launches, replacing three of our oldest boats. We will be able to exchange these boats and engines to help offset the cost, but each new boat will cost around $18,500. Our goal is to completely fund the launches via the Erg-A-Thon.
Goal: $37,000
The team is in need of new launches (the boats that the coaches ride in alongside the rowers). Our current launch boats are leaking and are well beyond the end of their life cycle. Our goal with this event is to raise $37,000 to cover the cost of two launches.
The specific model we're seeking to purchase is the RS CAT 16 by RowKraft.
Volunteer for the Event
We need your help to make this a successful event! Parents/Volunteers are needed for 2 hour shifts to help collect donations, keep our kids motivated, provide snacks, and spread the word about our crew program! Please view the Sign Up Genius to see where you can help.