Board Minutes: August 14, 2023
August 14, 2023Members present: Jason Chapman, Matt Stares, David Reynolds, Mike Carnevale, John Mitchell, Emiko Bigler, Jody Conant
Members Absent: none
Others in attendance – Brian Chorney, Gina Ang, Mary Valentine
Jason, President’s update —
- Popcorn sale, waiting for word back from vendor.
- Boat repair: Russ reports 2 more broken ribs, waiting for parts and will be $830 increased cost.
- Want to get date on calendar for fall meeting — 7:30p ideally, location TBA
- Dock — $7,500 cost, convert to concrete to ensure safety. Vote taken, all in favor, will move ahead.
- Towing — discussed desire to have boats/equipment towed to regattas the afternoon before, to avoid same-day delay that could derail the regatta. Voted unanimously to approve funding for a hotel room for trailering volunteers.
Coach Brian —
- Learn to row, training all going well. Finances at/ahead of forecasts.
- Calendar is unchanged, Brian will send it out to board shortly.
- Regatta travel planning: at Head of Cuyahoga, students will room with parents. Mary working on rooms at same hotels for Head of Cuyahoga, as well as Head of Charles.
- This fall will be Brian’s last season as head coach, will continue to assistant-coach. Last regatta as Head coach will be Battle of the Beltline.
- Cookout 3rd Monday of season, yet to be planned. Potluck format worked well before.
- Team activities: Team dinner planning will come from captains, with parents volunteering funding or food. Previously, team was paid to volunteer at Breton Downs fun day, good exposure for the team and fund-raiser.
Matt, VP update —
- Waiting for Vasilly re: boat repair
- Encourages Board seats to define roles. Discussion yielded Emiko: food and entertainment, Jody: Volunteers and non-food responsibilities.
- Apparel and uniform site — Ann Petruzzi runs JL store, need spirit wear coordinator thru Floral Ave. Also need to understand lead times.
- Identifies need for a Club manual in the spirit of Grand Rapids Yacht Club, Matt to tackle that this year.
David, Treasury update —
- Setting registration fees for fall registration and summer events. Wants to maintain adequate reserves for equipment and building. Brian suggests balance in operating that can pay for the current season, with dues next year paying for next year’s season, allowing predictability and funds for expenses/repairs. Brian estimates $17k per year for boat replacement if the team rotates one eight out every 7 years.
- Will do budget for the fall.
- We need to vote on registration fees. $710 for last Spring. Skyline recently charged $650 plus a travel assessment.
- $450 budgeted for fall and Spring banquet. $900 budgeted ($450 from fall not used, rolled over to spring), $1500 this past spring’s cost. Option: larger budget for Spring, sell tickets for dinner etc. Middle School cafeteria has been used before
Mike, communication update —
- Focus on establishing new website. For registration, communication, payments. Pulling all domains under Google solution for non-profits applied for to coordinate all, including website hosting. Once migrated in about a week, can switch over to the new site.
- Communications committee proposed, meeting monthly to have groups for photography, website content, help with newsletter, social media coordination.
- Emergency communication will be via website and email. Slack will be done by parents.
Mary V — Will work to transition over to a new parent person doing travel coordination. Ideally recruited in fall and person will learn alongside Mary during the year. EGR Foundation can house a potential endowment if we want.
John, Recording Secretary update —
- Google Drive, will revert to chronological method. Will move 22/23 items to usual places.
- Will take on role of boathouse czar, overseeing completing projects and maintenance:
- A/C system installed and wired, inspection pending this week
- Exterior siding prep, sealing and metalwork painting — $8,820 quote from H.L. Bolker discussed, including equipment use to complete the job safely and without damage to surrounding areas. Vote taken, all in favor. Will move forward.
- Drainage work approximately $2,500 to carry downspout drainage away from the foundation, will be bid and completed this fall
- Floor near French doors — to be cut out by Jeff and volunteers and replaced with cement board and all-season carpet squares.
- French door retaining when open
- Vent in floor to be made flush
- To assume control of Wi-Fi thermostat, all manuals and warranty paperwork
Emiko, At-large (food and entertainment) —
- Proposedpoints system for volunteering, with financial alternative. Can slowly turn responsibility over to novice parents through this system.
- Novice parents liaison needed, Emiko to contact people to put names out.
- After parents’ meeting, could provide cookies and socializing to on-board new parents to team workings and volunteer interest sign-ups
- Signup genius for potluck on evening of 1st day of school.
Jody, At-large (volunteers) —
- Banners, will work to get these done in fall to honor senior rowers throughout the year.
- Captains can talk directly with Jody about dinners.
- Mary and Jody to coordinate volunteer table at parents meeting to get volunteers early. Including fundraising committee? Saturday rent-a-rower possible.
Meeting adjourned at 9:31 pm. Next meeting set for Monday August 14 at 7 pm.